Colon Health: Meet the COLON

Let me introduce you to the COLON!

What is a Colon?

The Colon, also called the Large intestine, also known as the large bowel  is the last part of the gastrointestinal tract and of the digestive system in vertebrates.

Water is absorbed here and the remaining waste material is stored as feces before being removed by defecation. The intestines are a long, continuous tube running from the stomach to the anus. Most absorption of nutrients and water happen in the intestines. The intestines include the Small Intestine, Large Intestine, and Rectum.

The Colon receives wastes from the Small Intestine (small bowel -about 20 feet long and about an inch in diameter)  its job is to absorb most of the nutrients from what we eat and drink. Velvety tissue lines the Small Intestine, which is divided into the Duodenum, Jejunum, and Ileum.

The rest of the colon is divided into (4) four parts:

• The Ascending colon travels up the right side of the abdomen.
• The Transverse colon runs across the abdomen.
• The Descending colon travels down the left abdomen.
• The Sigmoid colon is a short curving of the colon, just before the Rectum.

How long is your colon?  

The large intestine (colon or large bowel) is about 5 feet long and about 3 inches in diameter.


What is the function of the Colon?

Its function is to reabsorb fluids and process waste products from the body and prepare for its elimination. The colon removes water, salt, and some nutrients forming stool. Muscles line the Colon's walls, squeezing its contents along. Billions of bacteria, mucus coats the colon and its contents, living in a healthy balance with the body.

The Colon is also called  “trash” of the body. It has the harshest environment—where inhabitants (bugs, bad/good bacteria, fungus, yeast, parasites) are found and resides. It is a toxic waste site. The tissues in the Colon harshly go through wear and tear due to these inhabitants and decomposition of food particles. These inhabitants are needed and are also helpful through the process of decomposition.  Some or most of them can create havoc to the Colon structure and can back up to the other parts of the GUT.

Because the Colon is a toxic waste site, it is vital to regularly cleanse, balance or rid, as needed to to keep a healthy Colon. We have more Microbiome(bugs) than our cells in the body, emptying and cleansing properly can help balance these Microbiomes—which are also useful in lots of good functions in the body  and they can also give bad functions in the body as well.

Does your colon really need cleansing?

Although the Digestive System and bowel movement already eliminate waste material and bacteria from your body, a colon cleansing can be very helpful. Taking a simple laxative can still give the effort of colon contraction and pushing itself to expel fecal matter from the Rectum. This can result to constipation where the other Pelvic organs also do the hard efforts during the pushing.  Peristalsis (movement of muscle in the Colon) is important in the Colon to create space and good “synchronized movements between organs called Motility. The Colon frequently can dehydrate from stress, tension, medications, low electrolytes and poor diet. If the Colon (large Intestine) is backed up, pressure build up in the lower abdomen happens and can seriously hinder digestion, breathing,  create a head ache and possible severe discomforts.

If the Colon is not eliminating and properly, toxicity can happen in the GUT and the Digestive Tract. It can be affect the bowel movement, constipation can occur, bad breathe, moodiness, poor concentration, limited range-of-motion, tiredness, lethargy, poor sleep, poor nutrient absorption, dry skin and toxicity and more.

How do you clean out your colon?

Colon cleanses comes in different ways, some suggestions below:

  • Colon hydrotherapy also called colonic, deep enema or colonic irrigation can be very helpful in chronic constipation, colon hydration and helps in the detoxification of the other eliminating organs –the Liver, Kidneys,  and eases up the GUT to function well.

“A Colonic cleanse also hydrates and exercises the Colon through contraction and relaxation done during sessions .” ~Roxy Clemence –Colon Hydrotherapist

  • You can also add these preparation suggestions from these fruits (Source: Web MD):

Take ½ cup Apple Juice, add 2 tablespoons Lemon juice and a teaspoon of ginger juice.

Mix it in ½ cup of warm water. You can drink this mixture once a day to help detoxify the colon and encourage proper digestion.

  • Cleanse your Colon in a healthy and intelligent with state-of-the-art cleanse products with diet and dosages GUIDE!   Shaklee Healthy Cleanse

Roxy’s Supplementation suggestions for Colon maintenance:  

The Colon is challenged every day in its chemical balance, microbe balance, tissue repair, mucus balance, water supply, muscle energy and toxicity. I would like to suggest my Colon Maintenance pack:

Optiflora Pre-Probiotic  or Optiflora DI –for balanced Microflora –Guaranteed bacteria delivery to the Colon!

Zinc—mucus health

Carotomax—beta carotene

Fiber Tablets or Unflavored Fiber powder with Lecithin—stool bulk

Vitamin C Sustained Release 500mg –tissue repair

Flavomax –a juice source in a tab/ anti-oxidant

Herba-Lax- bowel regulator

Osteomatrix –Calcium

Vita D3 –tissue/muscle health

Alfalfa—antibacterial/ trace minerals/chlorophyl

Hydrate Performance Electrolyte—maximum hydration

Disclaimer: These statements are not evaluated by the FDA, nor its intent to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent a disease or illness. Results may vary per person.

How does your colon work?

The water is absorbed in the Colon. Bacteria in the colon break down the remaining material. Then the colon moves the leftover material into the rectum. Muscles in the rectum move the waste, called stool, out of the body through the anus.

Ions and nutrients released by gut bacteria and dissolved in water are also absorbed in the Colon (large intestine) and used by the body for metabolism. The dried, condensed fecal matter is finally stored in the rectum and sigmoid colon until it can be eliminated from the body through the process of defecation.

Where does poop stay in body?

Answer: THE COLON.

Yep, it's poop (also called stool) The Colon absorbs water from wastes, creating stool. The Colon pushes the poop into the rectum (say: REK-tum), the very last stop on the digestive tract through the Peristalsis movement.  And the solid waste stays here until you are ready for you to go to the bathroom or cleanse. The large intestine (colon or large bowel) is about 5 feet long and about 3 inches in diameter. The colon absorbs water from wastes, creating stool. As stool enters the rectum, nerves there create the urge to defecate.

Can I live without a Colon?

People can live without a colon, but may need to wear a bag outside their body to collect stool. However, a surgical procedure can be performed to create a pouch in the small intestine that takes the place of the colon, and in this case, wearing a bag is not necessary.  Source: The Mayo Clinic.

For more questions on Colon Health, please send us a message here in the website and we will be  glad to talk more about this topic with you!

To a healthy GUT and Prevention!

~Tola and Roxy

Meet Your Gut

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Dear Visitor,

In this website, you will learn about the GUT and some of its structures. Our goal is to educate in “layman’s terms and practical know how” about how important and vital is role of the GUT in healing and optimum health!

The GUT also known as your GI Tract and another name is Digestive Tract (system).

The Job of the GUT

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Your GUT’s job is to Ingest and break down food, absorb and assimilate it and then eliminate waste products. The Digestive tract (system) works hard, because it has to work within the digestive process , a timeframe after we eat.

In the course of time –it will digest approximately 23,000 pounds of solid food. (Source: Gut Prescriptions)

The numerous organs involve in the digestive process are:  Mouth, Esophagus, Pancreas, Stomach, Liver, Gallbladder,  Small and Large Intestines, Rectum. The accessory organs which are located outside the digestive tract are: Gallbladder, and the Liver and Pancreas. These organs are called accessory because they significantly compliment the digestive process through bile and enzymes, which are crucial to fat /food breakdown and useful in nutrient distribution and hormones.

The Digestive process in a “nutshell” is food broken down and converted to fuel to run the body. Larger foods through chewing and chemical enzyme activity turn it into microscopic particles. This will enable these particles to cross the cell membranes of the GUT into the bloodstream for nourishment.  This process is crucial, because any glitch in the digestive conversion of these food particles can rob the body of its nutrient and energy supply.

Starting from the mouth, the Salivary Glands as you chew your food produces enzymes to start food breakdown. It has been suggested that chewing solid foods 59x, will break it down more which encourages needed enzymes for better digestion. The broken down food then passes through Pharynx and Esophagus through the esophageal and pyloric sphincter then to the Stomach. Different stomach acids aids to the broken down food, then the Pancreas adds its enzymes for further food breakdown. This further breakdown of food forms  into a claylike substance called “chyme.” The “chyme” is then passed through the Duodenum to meet with Bile salts from the Liver through the Bile duct and into the Small Intestine for nutrient processing and nutrient assimilation. What is not assimilated becomes waste. It passes to the Ileocecal valve to the Cecum for bowel manufacture and elimination through the Large Intestine (Colon)—through the motion of the Colon muscles called Peristalsis.

Peristalsis--- is the wave of movement of the digestive tract from the mouth to these organs from ingestion, absorption, assimilation to elimination.  Peristalsis is a distinctive pattern of smooth muscle contractions that propels foodstuffs distally through the esophagus and intestines. Segmental Peristalsis is a glitch and continuous wavy Peristalsis is good.  It is important that this process of happens continuously. Any glitch in this conversion process can give irregular energy and compromise our vitality.

Healthy Digestive tract has the balance of friendly bacteria, digestive fiber, enzymes, well-broken down food particles, nutrients, mucosal lining, and healthy villi.

“Restoring the optimal bacteria balance in the GUT is vital to full recovery of health!”  (Source: GUT Prescriptions)

Eliminating Organs in Your GUT

The eliminating organs in the GUT are: Liver, Kidneys, Large Intestine (Colon)

Let’s talk about how to make and keep these organs healthy and well-functioned:

  • Liver Health—as the largest gland in the body, it performs astonishing large number of tasks which impacts ALL the body systems! It produces enzymes and bile, it helps in the control of synthesis and utilization of carbohydrates, lipids and protein. It supplies bile acids into the small intestine which is critical to the digestion and absorption of dietary lipids (fats). It filters the blood to supply to give good blood into the Kidneys for cleansing and processing into the heart. HDL, LDL  is made in the Liver, therefore it is critical that there is a balance of these cholesterols. Bile contains bile acids, which are critical for digestion and absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins in the small intestine. Many waste products, including bilirubin, are eliminated from the body by secretion into bile and elimination in feces. *Adult humans produce 400 to 800 ml of bile daily

  • Kidney Health ---- Kidneys: filter waste materials out of the blood and pass them out of the body as urine. regulate blood pressure and the levels of water, salts, and minerals in the body. produce hormones that control other body functions. -the function of the Kidneys is to cleanse and distribute the blood towards the heart. They help the body pass waste as urine, help filter blood before sending it back to the heart. The kidneys perform many crucial functions, including: maintaining overall fluid.

Your Kidneys are bean-shaped organs, each about the size of your fist. They are located near the middle of your back, just below the rib cage. The Kidneys are sophisticated trash collectors. Every day, your Kidneys process about 200 quarts of blood to sift out about 2 quarts of waste products and extra water.

Their basic functions include:  (*You can attend our Wellness Classes if you want to know more about Kidney Health)

  • Regulation of extracellular fluid volume. The kidneys work to ensure an adequate quantity of plasma to keep blood flowing to vital organs.

  • Regulation of osmolarity.

  • Regulation of ion concentrations.

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Functions of the Kidneys

  • Regulation of blood volume

  • Regulation of blood pressure

  • Regulation of the pH of the blood

  • Regulation of the ionic composition of blood

  • Production of Red blood cells

  • Synthesis of Vitamin D

  • Excretion of waste products and foreign substances

The Kidneys perform the essential function of removing waste products from the blood and regulating the water fluid levels.

“To be effective in cleaning blood, the kidneys must have a rich flow of blood. About 23% of the blood pumped by the heart over the course of a minute goes to the kidneys. So, within a few minutes, all of the blood in the body gets swept through the filtering system of the kidney. The kidneys receive blood through the renal artery.” Source:

Why are the kidneys so important?

As part of the excretory system, our two kidneys help rid the body of substances it does not need. The kidneys do this by performing two primary functions: filtering the blood and producing urine.In doing this, the vital functions of the kidney are to remove toxic and waste products and excess water from the body.  Most people know that a major function of the Kidneys is to remove waste products and excess fluid from the body.  It also control’s the body’s fluid balance and keeps the right levels of electrolytes. ALL the blood in the body passes through the kidneys several times a day!  To name one importance: a hormone produced by the Kidneys stimulates red blood cell production and other hormones produced by the Kidneys help regulate blood pressure and control calcium metabolism,  The kidneys have millions of filtering units are called nephrons. These nephrons work thru a 2-step filtering process; filters the blood and removes waste from the blood. The size of the Kidneys is approximately 4 to 5 inches long and about the size of a large fist. For Kidney health and supplementation in “Get Better Gut” we suggest:

The Importance of Gut Health

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In recent years, mounting research shows your gut microbiome has a truly profound influence on your health and well-being.  Aside from improving liver function and lowering blood pressure, beneficial bacteria have been shown to:

  • Modulate your immune system response and boost immune function  (70% of our immune system is in the gut)

  • Aid detoxification  of pesticides

  • Control asthma and reduce risk of allergies

  • Lower your risk for periodontal disease by more than 50 percent

  • Influence the activity of hundreds of genes, helping them to express in a positive, disease-fighting manner

  • Benefit your mood and mental health

  • Boost weight loss and lower your body risk for obesity

  • Boost children’s risk of behavioral problems and autism

  • Lower your risk for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Mediate your risk of certain types of cancer, especially colon cancer.  Butyrate – short chain fatty acid created when microbes ferment dietary fiber in your gut, has been shown to induce programmed cell death of colon cancer, and cultured milk products may reduce your risk of bladder cancer by 29%

  • Ward against malnutrition

  • Boost growth factor hormone production

  • Reduce the number and length of infections

  • Prevent and control vaginitis in women

  • Lower risk of premature labor in pregnant women

  • Lower the risk of inflammatory bowel disease

  • Lower the risk for recurrent bladder and ear infections

  • Improve and prevent chronic diarrhea

Get Into Habit of Eating Fermented Foods Every Day

For all the above reasons and more, I recommend a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods along with cultured or fermented foods ( I give classes on Fermented foods at home).  A high quality probiotic supplement is also helpful to restore healthful balance to your microbiome – especially to restore when taking antibiotics.  Keep in mind that there is a great difference between home made traditionally fermented foods and commercially processed and pasteurized foods to which probiotics are simply added.  The latter one is not really that effective or beneficial. 

Five strategies to improve your Gut Health:

In addition to consuming regularly fermented foods:

  • Try to eat Only organic foods to avoid genetically engineered foods loaded with glyphosate, which can contribute to leaky gut.

  • Avoid antibiotics – it’s documented that following the full spectrum antibiotics, it could take weeks, months and sometimes years for your gut bacteria to bounce back.

  • Avoid antibacterial soaps - they kill good and bad bacteria.

  • Open the windows.

  • Eat more plant, because your microbiome – your gut environment thrive on fermentable dietary fiber.  Remember your food is the information to your genes – it will either be to build up healthy cells or brake them down.

  • Get your hands dirty – start gardening, this way your immune system will be exposed to wide variety of micro organisms living in plants and in the soil.

The triple washed produce is wiping you out of reality of our ancestors – life connecting with ecosystems, through gardening or some kind of outdoor activity which will improve your internal ecosystem as well.

It’s known that beneficial gut bacteria, also known as probiotic, benefit your liver function and help lower blood pressure.

According to lead author,  doctoral candidate at Emory University “Administration of the probiotic improves the antioxidant response of the liver, protecting it from oxidative damage produced by drugs and toxins.”

Animal studies have also shown that probiotics help protect against alcoholic liver disease and nonalcoholic  fatty liver disease, the latter of which is primarily driven by diets high in sugar and processed foods.  

Probiotics help Normalize Blood Pressure

Numerous studies showed that people wo consume regularly foods like yogurt, kefir of supplement, tended to have lower blood pressure than those who don’t consume probiotics.

Another animal study showed that probiotic lower levels of inflammation in the central nervous system.

It all comes to that – Healthy Gut equals Healthy You!!

The Journey of Food

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Your Gut is your Gastrointestinal Tract It’s also commonly called the GI TRACT or THE DIGESTIVE TRACT.

It’s description is a long continuous tube. It is made of layers of muscle tissues.  In this tissues are cells, glands imbedded in the mucus membrane/ linings. Its work is to ingest food, absorb it, assimilate/digest and eliminate what is not  needed as waste. It continuously works hard and is always pressed to perform its service every time we eat, chew and swallow. It is known to digest solid foods approximately 23,000 pounds in the course of a lifetime.

These are the organs in our GI Tract/Digestive Tract:

  • Mouth

  • Esophagus

  • Stomach

  • Small Intestine

  • Large Intestine (colon)

  • Pancreas

  • Liver

  • Gall Bladder

  • Anus

Although the Gall Bladder, Liver and Pancreas are located outside the digestive tube/tract, play an important role in the process of digestion.

If something is not right or something is wrong with these organs mentioned —the digestive process can be impaired—resulting to adverse effects in the nutritional status and overall health.

When this happens to the GUT, more often than not, we do not suspect—one can get hospitalized for GI disorders. Statistics had shown that over 100 million Americans are sick from GI disorders.

“The Digestive System is like the roots of a tree. When the roots are dis-eased—this affects the overall health of the tree. The same happens in the body. When the body’s  nutrition process, digestion absorption, internal permeability and bacteria balance in the Gut is dis-eased--– since all these play an interdependent function with each other—this  affects the health of the whole body”. Author Unknown

What is Persitalsis? Why is it important to the GUT?

When food is ingested thru the mouth—the journey of food  and breakdown thru swallowing--absorption, assimilation and elimination happens thru the muscle contractions throughout the GI Tract tube. This process is called Peristalsis.  

Since the “tube” is a muscle tissue—it is important that Peristalsis happens efficiently. The job of a “muscle tissue “ is to contract and relax for the Peristalsis process to occur “very well.”

Candida (Candidiasis)

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Many alternative and preventative health care practitioners find that a surprisingly high number of chronic health conditions are related to an overgrowth of yeast in the body (Candida albicans).


This overgrowth occurs when we disturb the natural balance in the body:

  • By introducing antibiotics, hormones, including birth control pills, or steroid based medications e.g. cortisone.

  • By consuming diets too high in sugars and refined carbohydrates and/or too low in fresh fruits and vegetables (3-5 servings a day recommended).

Result - Yeast Overgrowth

The result is yeast, which normally coexists with friendly bacteria (lactobacillus and bifidus) in the gut and other mucosal membranes of the body, now grow out of control.  The yeast feeds on the sugars and carbohydrates while the friendly, but fragile bacteria, which normally keep the yeast in check, are easily destroyed by medications, intestinal disturbances, stress, etc.



  • Rectal Itching

  • Frequent infections, especially ears/tonsils

  • Cravings for sweets, breads or alcohol

  • Sinus congestion

  • Food Allergies

  • Chronic cough

  • Redness around rectal area

  • Pain/tightness in chestEnvironmental sensitivities, i.e. mold


  • Acne/ skin disorders


  • White coated tongue

  • Endometriosis

  • Athlete’s foot

  • Uterine Fibroids

  • Nail fungus

  • Cervical Dysplasia

  • Canker sores

Brain/Nervous System


  • Anxiety

  • Colitis/ Irritable Bowel disease

  • Depression

  • Constipation

  • Headaches

  • Belching

  • Irritability

  • Diarrhea

  • Mood swings

  • Bloating/Gas

  • Poor memory

  • Abdominal Pain

  • Poor mental focus

  • Bad Breath

  • Dizziness

  • Heartburn

  • Headaches/migraines

  • Mucous in stools

  • PMS

  • Burning tongue

  • Infertility

  • Rash/blisters in mouth

  • Loss of libido

  • Fatigue

  • Prostatitis

  • Joint pain/arthritis

  • Impotence

  • Muscle aches/weakness

  • Pelvic pain

  • Diabetes

  • Vaginal discharge or itching

  • Blurred vision

  • Spots in front of eyes

Getting Back in Balance

Reduce yeast growth -  increase friendly bacteria

  1. Garlic*

  2. Optiflora Pre and Probiotic system*

* In more serious cases, anti-yeast remedies may be needed, such as Oil of oregano, MonoLaurin, Olive Leaf Extract,or Candax (kills slowly so less die-off issues)

Strengthen the immune system

  1. VitaLea Multivitamin/Multimineral

  2. Sustained Release Vita-C

  3. Nutriferon - Unique, formula of 4 natural plant extracts which significantly increases the activity of the immune system and stimulates natural interferon production

  4. CarotoMax - Powerful antioxidants which improve the health off mucosal membranes making them more resistant not only to candida, but also cancer (e.g. precancerous cervical dysplasia)

  5. Zinc

Reduce cravings

Glucose Regulation Complex

Usually, the greatest challenge in following the Candida reduction program is eliminating sugars and refined carbohydrates from the diet.  Glucose Regulation Complex reduces cravings by improving the transport and utilization of blood sugar by the cells. Contains Alpha Lipoic Acid, banaba leaf extract and minerals essential for insulin receptors.


Essential for the brain, the nervous system, balancing hormones and reducing cravings. B vitamins have been shown to help improve mood swings, irritability, nervousness, fatigue, depression, mental confusion, headaches, dizziness, stress, and help reduce risks of heart disease.  

Fiber Blend Tablets, Crunch or Daily Mix

Instant Protein Soy Mix

Balance hormones/ reduce inflammation

  1. Omega Guard Omega-3 Complex

  2. GLA Complex (Omega-6)

These essential fatty acids help reduce symptoms of Candida related to inflammation and hormonal imbalances.  They have been shown to help lower blood pressure, reduce menopausal and PMS symptoms, improve eczema, reduce heart disease risk, stop and reverse diabetic neuropathy, etc.


  1. Liver DTX

  2. BestWater

  3. Alfalfa

  4. HerbLax

“Die Off”

Be aware that when the yeast “dies off”’, toxins are released which can cause headaches, fatigue, achy joints, itching, diarrhea, or any of the other yeast overgrowth symptoms.


Remove Foods that Feed Yeast

Sugars: maple syrup, honey, molasses, corn syrup

Refined Carbohydrates: white flour products e.g. crackers, snacks, chips

Include Foods that Nourish Cells

Protein-rich foods: poultry, fish, eggs

Low-carb vegetables: dark salad greens, spinach, asparagus broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, brussel sprouts, peppers, summer squash, and cucumbers.

Nutrition Robbers

Nutrition Robbers

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ALCOHOL:  Magnesium, B-Complex, C, D, E, K

ANTACIDS:  Calcium, Phosphorus, A, B-Complex,D



ASPIRIN: Calcium Folic Acid, Iron, Potassium, A, B-Complex, C

CAFFEINE: Biotin, Inositol, Potassium, Thiamine (B1) Zinc


DIURETICS: Calcium, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, Riboflavin(B2) C

ESTROGEN: Folic Acid, B6



LIDOCAINE: Calcium, Potassium


PENICILLIN:  Niacin (B3) , Miacinamide, B6

SODA POP (Containing Phosphorus): Calcium, Other Minerals

Source: Prescription for Natural Healing By James Bach MD

Beneficial Bacteria

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Info and writing was taken from the lesson of: Gut Prescriptions/ Natural Solutions to your Digestive Problems B. Watson ND

Trillions of bacteria, yeast, and parasites live in the intestines, primarily in the Large Intestines (Colon). 400-500 variety of microorganisms typically resides.

For a healthy person—Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifido bifidus primarily and a bulk of intestinal good bacteria will be beneficial. Ideally—the ration of good/neutral bacteria to bad bacteria would be approximately 80% to 20%. If there is chronic digestive disorder, a state of “dysbiosis” can exist. This will distort the ratio or reversed it even. Optimal bacteria balance is vital in the Gut for a full health recovery and function.

Did you know…

  • That Probiotics produce important nutrients, eliminate toxins, destroy bad bacteria and enhances the body’s immune system?  

  • Animal products that were fed antibiotics to protect them from disease—when we eat them—we also eat the antibiotics that they ingested.

  • ANTI-BIOTIC means “against life.” PRO-BIOTIC means “for life.”

  • Anti-Biotic kills the bad bacteria that makes us ill and ALSO kills the good bacteria that is essential to good health.

Nutrition to Support Beneficial Bacteria & Gut Heath


Optiflora® Prebiotic Complex

Optiflora® is a unique two-product digestive health system that provides dietary support for normal, healthy intestinal microflora. Once the probiotics are delivered to the digestive system, prebiotics can deliver important nutrients that healthy intestinal bacteria need to grow and thrive.*

Optiflora® Prebiotic Complex helps:

  • Maintain a healthy digestive balance*

  • Provide nutrients to feed friendly bacteria*

  • Promote long-term intestinal health*

Optiflora® Pearl Probiotic helps promote:

  • Healthy intestinal activity and good digestive health*

7 Day Cleanse Tips

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This 7-Day Detox Challenge will not only flush your system of impurities, but will also aid in weight loss and overall health. It is basically a modified vegetable fast with intensive nutrient support to help heal the digestive system and enhance the liver's ability to detoxify the body. Shaklee 180 Protein Smoothie or Shake enhance healing. Light exercise also helps to detoxify the body. Below are the supplements needed to get started. If you feel you need longer to detox, I would suggest following the 1-Month Detox Program. No artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, preservatives, or fillers. All products are GLUTEN-FREE!


Liver DTX (#20616) One bottle provides 4 Detox Challenge uses.
+ Optiflora Probiotic (#20639) One bottle provides 4 Detox Challenge uses.
Fiber Plan Tablets (#20435) One bottle provides 2 Detox Challenge uses. 
   OR Fiber Plan Powder (#20307) One container provides 8 Detox Challenge uses.
OmegaGuard (#21252) One bottle provides 4 Detox Challenge uses.
EZ Gest (#20633) One bottle provides 4 Detox Challenge uses.
Alfalfa (#20153) One bottle provides 4 Detox Challenge uses.
HerbLax (#20144) One bottle provides 2 Detox Challenge uses.
Cinch Shake (4 flavors to choose from) One canister provides 1 Detox Challenge uses.
Cinch Energy Tea (2 flavors to choose from) One box provides 2 Detox Challenge uses.


+ Liver DTX (1)
+ Probiotic (1)
+ Fiber Plan Tablets (5) 
 Fiber Plan Powder (2 tsp...can add to your shake)
+ OmegaGuard (2)
+ EZ Gest (1)
+ Alfalfa (4)

+ Liver DTX (1)
+ Alfalfa (3)

+ Liver DTX (1)
+ HerbLax (4)
+ Alfalfa (3)


Day 1:
+ 2 Shaklee 180 Smoothie  (one at breakfast, one at lunch)
+ 2 Shaklee 180 Energy Teas (morning and early afternoon)
+ Fresh fruits, veggies (fresh or lightly steamed), nuts, beans, rice and other 
+ whole grains/starches (sweet potatoes)

Day 2:
+ 2 Shaklee 180 Smoothie  (one at breakfast, one at lunch)
+ 2 Shaklee  Energy Teas (morning and early afternoon)
+ Fresh fruits, veggies (fresh or lightly steamed)

Day 3:
+ 2 Shaklee 180 Smoothie  (one at breakfast, one at lunch)
+ 2 Shaklee Energy Teas (morning and early afternoon)
+ Fresh fruits, veggies (fresh or lightly steamed)

+ 3 Shaklee 180 Smoothie  (one at breakfast, one at lunch, one at dinner)
+ 2 Shaklee Energy Teas (morning and early afternoon)

Day 5:
+ 2 Shaklee 180 Smoothie  (one at breakfast, one at lunch)
+ 2 Shaklee 180 Energy Teas (morning and early afternoon)
+ Fresh fruits, veggies (fresh or lightly steamed)

Day 6:
+ 2 Shaklee 180 Smoothie  (one at breakfast, one at lunch)
+ 2 Shaklee Energy Teas (morning and early afternoon)
+ Fresh fruits, veggies (fresh or lightly steamed)
+ Begin to slowly add protein sources back into your diet (nuts, beans, fish, 
+ chicken, turkey) by adding 1 of these sources to your dinner.

Day 7:
+ 2 Shaklee 180 Smoothie  (one at breakfast, one at lunch)
+ 2 Shaklee 180 Energy Teas (morning and early afternoon)
+ Fresh fruits, veggies (fresh or lightly steamed)
+ Begin to slowly add protein sources back into your diet (nuts, beans, fish, 
+ chicken, turkey) by adding 1 of these sources to your dinner.
+ Slowly add whole grains (breads, rice, oatmeal, quinoa, etc...) as desired.


+ Drink lots of water every day! Remember, water is fiber's best friend.
+ Avoid red meat and dairy during the detox.
+ Juicing your veggies is an easy way to get a lot in. 
+ You need 1 lb of vegetables for every 50 lbs of body weight to balance your pH. 
+ Adding the juice to your Shaklee Energy Tea  gives you a 2-for-1!
+ Continue to eat as natural as possible. 
+ Reduce processed foods, sugar, red meat and white flour as much as possible.

MUST READ:  This program was developed by Martha Willmore,  a Wellness Coach, internationally known educator, and author in the field of complementary health care. It is not intended to take the place of medical advice and/or treatment.

For Guidance and to do this Program, please contact us.

7-Day Detox Cleanse

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This 7-Day Detox Challenge will not only flush your system of impurities, but will also aid in weight loss and overall health. It is basically a modified vegetable fast with intensive nutrient support to help heal the digestive system and enhance the liver's ability to detoxify the body. Shaklee 180 Protein Smoothee or Shake enhance healing. Light exercise also helps to detoxify the body. Below are the supplements needed to get started. If you feel you need longer to detox, I would suggest following the 1-Month Detox Program. No artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, preservatives, or fillers. All products are GLUTEN-FREE!


  •  Liver DTX (#20616) One bottle provides 4 Detox Challenge uses.
  • Optiflora Probiotic (#20639) One bottle provides 4 Detox Challenge uses.
  • Fiber Plan Tablets (#20435) One bottle provides 2 Detox Challenge uses. 
       OR Fiber Plan Powder (#20307) One container provides 8 Detox Challenge uses.
  • OmegaGuard (#21252) One bottle provides 4 Detox Challenge uses.
  • EZ Gest (#20633) One bottle provides 4 Detox Challenge uses.
  • Alfalfa (#20153) One bottle provides 4 Detox Challenge uses.
  • HerbLax (#20144) One bottle provides 2 Detox Challenge uses.
  • Cinch Shake (4 flavors to choose from) One canister provides 1 Detox Challenge uses.
  • Cinch Energy Tea (2 flavors to choose from) One box provides 2 Detox Challenge uses.


  • Breakfast
  • Liver DTX (1)
  • Probiotic (1)
  • Fiber Plan Tablets (5) OR Fiber Plan Powder (2 tsp...can add to your shake)
  • OmegaGuard (2)
  • EZ Gest (1)
  • Alfalfa (4)


  • Liver DTX (1)
  • Alfalfa (3)


  • Liver DTX (1)
  • HerbLax (4)
  • Alfalfa (3)


Day 1:

  • 2 Shaklee 180 Smoothie  (one at breakfast, one at lunch)
  • 2 Shaklee 180 Energy Teas (morning and early afternoon)
  • Fresh fruits, veggies (fresh or lightly steamed), nuts, beans, rice and other 
  • whole grains/starches (sweet potatoes)

Day 2:

  • 2 Shaklee 180 Smoothie  (one at breakfast, one at lunch)
  • 2 Cinch Energy Teas (morning and early afternoon)
  • Fresh fruits, veggies (fresh or lightly steamed)

Day 3:

  • 2 Shaklee 180 Smoothie  (one at breakfast, one at lunch)
  • 2 Cinch Energy Teas (morning and early afternoon)
  • Fresh fruits, veggies (fresh or lightly steamed)


  • 3 Shaklee 180 Smoothie  (one at breakfast, one at lunch, one at dinner)
  • 2 Cinch Energy Teas (morning and early afternoon)

Day 5:

  • 2 Shaklee 180 Smoothie  (one at breakfast, one at lunch)
  • 2 Shaklee 180 Energy Teas (morning and early afternoon)
  • Fresh fruits, veggies (fresh or lightly steamed)

Day 6:

  • 2 Shaklee 180 Smoothie  (one at breakfast, one at lunch)
  • 2 Cinch Energy Teas (morning and early afternoon)
  • Fresh fruits, veggies (fresh or lightly steamed)
  • Begin to slowly add protein sources back into your diet (nuts, beans, fish, chicken, turkey) by adding 1 of these sources to your dinner.

Day 7:

  • 2 Shaklee 180 Smoothie  (one at breakfast, one at lunch)
  • 2 Shaklee 180 Energy Teas (morning and early afternoon)
  • Fresh fruits, veggies (fresh or lightly steamed)
  • Begin to slowly add protein sources back into your diet (nuts, beans, fish, chicken, turkey) by adding 1 of these sources to your dinner.
  • Slowly add whole grains (breads, rice, oatmeal, quinoa, etc...) as desired.


  • Drink lots of water every day! Remember, water is fiber's best friend.
  • Avoid red meat and dairy during the detox.
  • Juicing your veggies is an easy way to get a lot in. 
  • You need 1 lb of vegetables for every 50 lbs of body weight to balance your pH. 
  • Adding the juice to your Cinch gives you a 2-for-1!
  • Continue to eat as natural as possible. 
  • Reduce processed foods, sugar, red meat and white flour as much as possible.

This program was developed by Martha Willmore, a Wellness Coach, internationally known educator, and author in the field of complementary health care. It is not intended to take the place of medical advice and/or treatment.

To do this Program, please contact My New Wellness Center at 425-741-4444.

Thank you!

Three Types of Supplements: What You Need to Know

Type 1: Synthetic: Drug Store Variety

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  • Man-made (from petroleum)

  • No Enzymes (necessary for life – like the life force in a seed aids nutrient metabolism)

  • Inorganic substances, Artificial Colors,  Flavors & Sweeteners

  • Man-made in Test Tube

  • Stimulant (short-term)

  • Imbalanced

  • Side-Effects

  • Harsh Binders and Fillers

  • Many are coated with shellac which results in resistance to the penetration of stomach fluids: 

Type 2 Natural Extracts: Health Food Store Variety

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  • Weak Enzymes

  • Uses Chemical and/or Heat Extractions (destroys enzymes)

  • Artificial Colors, Flavors & Sweeteners

  • “Natural” may only mean 15% natural

  • Stimulant (short-term)

  • Imbalanced (eg. Mega doses of cheap B vitamins, skimps on Biotin)

  • Harsh Binders and Fillers

  • Many are coated with shellac which results in resistance to the penetration of stomach fluids. 

Type 3: Natural, Unaltered Shaklee Food Supplements

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  • Cool, No Chemical Processing

  • Highest Quality Raw Materials: 84,000 tests

  • Feeds and Improves Cell Health

  • Only company with proven absorption through independent, peer-reviewed, published clinical studies (109)   

  • Contains Known and Unknown Nutrients in Nature’s Balance

  • Contains Phytonutrients only found in food

  • Strong Enzymatic Action

Gut Health

In recent years, mounting research shows your gut microbiome has truly profound influence on your health and well-being. Aside from improving liver function and lowering blood pressure, beneficial bacteria have been shown to:

  • Modulate your immune system response and boos immune function (70% of our immune system is in the gut)

  • Aid detoxification of pesticides

  • Control asthma and reduce risk of allergies

  • Lower your risk for periodontal disease by more than 50 percent

  • Influence the activity of hundreds of genes, helping them to express in a positive, disease-fighting manner

  • Benefit your mood and mental health

  • Boost weight loss and lower your body risk for obesity

  • Boost children’s risk of behavioral problems and autism

  • Lower your risk for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Mediate your risk of certain types of cancer, especially colon cancer. Butyrate – short chain fatty acid created when microbes ferment dietary fiber in your gut, has been shown to induce programmed cell death of colon cancer, and cultured milk products may reduce your risk of bladder cancer by 29%

  • Ward against malnutrition

  • Boost growth factor hormone production

  • Reduce the number and length of infections

  • Prevent and control vaginitis in women

  • Lower risk of premature labor in pregnant women

  • Lower the risk of inflammatory bowel disease

  • Lower the risk for recurrent bladder and ear infections

  • Improve and prevent chronic diarrhea

Get Into Habit of Eating Fermented Foods Every Day

For all the above reasons and more, I recommend a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods along with cultured or fermented foods (I teach classes on how to make Fermented foods in your own home). A high quality probiotic supplement is also helpful to restore healthful balance to your microbiota – especially to restore when taking antibiotics. Keep in mind that there is a great difference between home made traditionally fermented foods and commercially processed and pasteurized foods to which probiotics are simply added. The latter one is not really that effective or beneficial.

Five strategies to improve your Gut Health:

Aside from consuming regularly fermented foods

  • Try to eat Only organic foods to avoid Genetically engineered foods loaded with glyphosate, which can cause leaky guts

  • Avoid antibiotics – it’s documented that following the full spectrum antibiotics, it could take weeks, months and sometimes years for your gut bacteria to bounce back

  • Avoid antibacterial soaps -they kill good and bad bacteria

  • Open the windows

  • East more plant, because your microbiome – your gut environment thrive on fermentable dietary fiber. Remember your food is the information to your genes – it will either be to build up healthy cells or brake them down

  • Get your hands dirty – start gardening, this way your immune system will be exposed to wide variety of micro organisms living in plants and in the soil

The triple washed produce is wiping you out of reality of our ancestors – life connecting with ecosystems, through gardening or some kind of outdoor activity which will improve your internal ecosystem as well.

It’s known that beneficial gut bacteria, also known as probiotic, benefit your liver function and help lower blood pressure.

According to lead author, doctoral candidate at Emory University, “Administration of the probiotic improves the antioxidant response of the liver, protecting it from oxidative damage produced by drugs and toxins."

Animal studies have also shown that probiotics help protect against alcoholic liver disease and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, the latter of which is primarily driven by diets high in sugar and processed foods.  

Probiotics help Normalize Blood Pressure

Numerous studies showed that people who consume regularly foods like yogurt, kefir of supplement, tended to have lower blood pressure than those who don’t consume probiotics.

Another animal study showed that probiotic lower levels of inflammation in the central nervous system.

It all comes to that – Healthy Gut equals Healthy You!


Why Raw Foods?

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Some of us do it for beauty, some for health reasons – healing mind and body with raw foods it’s proven over and over. It is the life force that feeds all our cells and helps us to heal.

Ecologically, it makes so much sense to eat raw living foods because we are not consuming processed goods or contributing to the accumulation of garbage on this planet by requiring a lot of packaging.  All the waist from my kitchen end up in the compost, so I am actually giving back to the Earth.

The most nutritious of raw foods are the living raw foods, these are still growing like sprouts and germinated nuts and seeds.  Raw foods are full of enzymes, plant hormones, oxygen , vitamins and minerals.

Nature’s abundance is limitless, not only in different textures, but in variety of colors and tastes.

According to David Wolfe, the world’s most renowned raw food lecturer and author, eighty percent of all species on this planet enjoy optimum heath, and not one of them is cooking their food. Think of it – man is the only one. Another fact to consider is that humans have only had fire and the ability to cook food for a small percentage of time that we have existed on Earth. What did people do before that?

And human’ digestive system is designed to eat the raw foods that nature provides and is very similar to gorilla which is mainly vegetarian. Eating cooked foods consisting of animal proteins, fats, starches and sugar not only robs our body of vital nutrients and enzymes, but causes fermentation all kinds of degenerative diseases. It may take 30 – 40 years for the degeneration to manifest, but eventually the major organs and systems of the body will break down.

Awareness is growing about enzymes in our foods and how they contribute to our overall health.

What is enzyme? It’ electrically charged protein molecule necessary for every process in our body. There are three different kinds of enzymes. The food enzymes that occur naturally in our raw and living foods; digestive enzymes produced by the human body to help break down food, and metabolic enzymes that are responsible for every chemical process in our cells.

We will not find one enzyme in cooked food because they are destroyed when heated above 115 degrees. Researchers have found out that we have a certain amount of these enzymes – an enzyme pool , so to speak – in our cells. Imagine your enzyme pool like a bank account with a set amount deposited there. If we keep withdrawing these enzymes because we eat enzyme deficient foods, the body will use up its reserves. Pretty soon we are overdrawn and that means big trouble. Our digestive processes will rob enzymes from other systems in the body, wearing down the body and making us vulnerable to disease. However, when we introduce enzyme rich foods we are making a deposit to our account, and that additional deposits will be reflected in the vitality of our body and mind. These enzyme rich living foods can then assist the body to digest the foods lessening the burden on the digestive tract and replenishing the metabolic enzymes as well.


Oxygen is essential to human survival. We find it in the air we breath, the water we drink and the foods we eat. Raw, unprocessed, organic foods have the highest amount of oxygen in them. When our body is oxygen-rich we feel energized and our mind is clear. We don’t feel heavy like after eating pizza or other cooked meal. Because those foods have much less oxygen.

Another positive thing about growing our own living foods like sprouts is that we improve the indoor air. Especially if you live in the city where the quality of air is poor.


These are phytochemicals and nutrients that exist in plants to strengthen their immunity to diseases and external stresses. Phytoetrogen are one example found in abundance in soy products. They are known to help women in balancing their hormones during the menopause. The growing tips of sprouts and young shoots contain growth hormones that are both rejuvenating and regenerating to our bodies.  When we consume these we can notice the difference in our glowing appearance and vitality.

Vitamins and minerals

These components are found in all foods but are specially abundant in raw living foods. When we cook our foods much of the water and fat-soluble vitamin are destroyed, leaving very little true nutrition. The minerals are still there but without the enzymes to transport them into our cells.  The body will then the minerals from the bones, this is how we get Osteoporosis.

Raw and living foods are the best source of vitamins and minerals for our body. Eating plenty of raw food we will end up being mineral-rich rather than mineral – depleted.


The Miracle of Fasting


“The process of fasting, eating absolutely nothing for a period of time, or drinking water, (or water with lemon)  called “water fasting” or a fast without eating or drinking anything, called “dry fasting”.

Fasting has been a source of cleaning the body and soul for the ages.  Muslims for example routinely fast during Ramadan as a religious  tradition.  When we seek healing, we should turn to fasting!  For years I would abstain from food once a week for 24 hours.  I am a rather disciplined person, and well educated about fasting and it benefits.  I was able to keep this routine for many years and keep my ideal weight, with the added benefits of glowing complexion and avoiding aging pains.

I would recommend staying under close supervision of a health practitioner.  Yes, one gets hungry, and experiences fluctuating energy.

The “fasting mimicking” program/cleansing are also very beneficial.  During such a program, one consumes plant based foods only for 2, 3 or 4 weeks.  Eating 3 meals a day the food should be simple easy to prepare, high in fiber and micro-nutrients, without processed food, and no highly allergenic foods.  During such periods of significant calorie suppression one benefits from increased stem cells, increased of human growth hormone and disease reversal.

Fasting helps reverse diabetes and related health conditions – read Dr. Jason Fung from Canada “The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting.” Co-authored with Jimmy Moore.

Our bodies have simply stored fuel, stored food energy.  We’re using it (when fasting).  That’s it.  That’s all that happens.  There is no serious side effects or consequences to fasting.  It’s an all-natural solution.  You’re really letting your very smart body just clean itself out from all of that excess sugar and fat.

It switched from burning food to burning fat.  And the body sees that there is plenty of the fat, which it did not have access to it.  Fasting forces your body to start accessing those stores of energy and once that happens, your body suddenly has a near unlimited supply of energy!  Fasting also improves your mitochondria to regenerate.  So t’s not just simply turning on an enzyme switch to burn fat, it’s a very complex process that upregulates in the direction of health.

On the prolonged fasting, the hunger kicks in the hardest on the 2nd day,  by the fifth or sixth day however, hunger practically disappear.

Under certain conditions one should NOT fast:

  • Pregnant and or breastfeeding women. The mother needs a study supply of nutrients

  • Underweight, defined as having a body mass index of 18.5 or less

  • Malnourished

  • Children should not fast for longer than 24 hours, as they need nutrients for continued growth. If you have a child that needs to lose weight, they should cut refined sugars and grains.

Your body is a marvel of ingenuity, and the more you can work WITH it rather than against it, the healthier you are likely to be.  Consider Intermittent fasting, for example skip the breakfast.

Dr Fung is treating even very sick patients with fasting with amazing results!  One man in his 50-ties had struggled with Diabetes for two decades.  Within two weeks, he was able to quit taking all of his diabetes medications.  His blood sugar was back to normal without them.

Dr. Fung has many doctors in the same hospital referring their patients to him because of the amazing results they have experiencing.
