The Miracle of Fasting


“The process of fasting, eating absolutely nothing for a period of time, or drinking water, (or water with lemon)  called “water fasting” or a fast without eating or drinking anything, called “dry fasting”.

Fasting has been a source of cleaning the body and soul for the ages.  Muslims for example routinely fast during Ramadan as a religious  tradition.  When we seek healing, we should turn to fasting!  For years I would abstain from food once a week for 24 hours.  I am a rather disciplined person, and well educated about fasting and it benefits.  I was able to keep this routine for many years and keep my ideal weight, with the added benefits of glowing complexion and avoiding aging pains.

I would recommend staying under close supervision of a health practitioner.  Yes, one gets hungry, and experiences fluctuating energy.

The “fasting mimicking” program/cleansing are also very beneficial.  During such a program, one consumes plant based foods only for 2, 3 or 4 weeks.  Eating 3 meals a day the food should be simple easy to prepare, high in fiber and micro-nutrients, without processed food, and no highly allergenic foods.  During such periods of significant calorie suppression one benefits from increased stem cells, increased of human growth hormone and disease reversal.

Fasting helps reverse diabetes and related health conditions – read Dr. Jason Fung from Canada “The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting.” Co-authored with Jimmy Moore.

Our bodies have simply stored fuel, stored food energy.  We’re using it (when fasting).  That’s it.  That’s all that happens.  There is no serious side effects or consequences to fasting.  It’s an all-natural solution.  You’re really letting your very smart body just clean itself out from all of that excess sugar and fat.

It switched from burning food to burning fat.  And the body sees that there is plenty of the fat, which it did not have access to it.  Fasting forces your body to start accessing those stores of energy and once that happens, your body suddenly has a near unlimited supply of energy!  Fasting also improves your mitochondria to regenerate.  So t’s not just simply turning on an enzyme switch to burn fat, it’s a very complex process that upregulates in the direction of health.

On the prolonged fasting, the hunger kicks in the hardest on the 2nd day,  by the fifth or sixth day however, hunger practically disappear.

Under certain conditions one should NOT fast:

  • Pregnant and or breastfeeding women. The mother needs a study supply of nutrients

  • Underweight, defined as having a body mass index of 18.5 or less

  • Malnourished

  • Children should not fast for longer than 24 hours, as they need nutrients for continued growth. If you have a child that needs to lose weight, they should cut refined sugars and grains.

Your body is a marvel of ingenuity, and the more you can work WITH it rather than against it, the healthier you are likely to be.  Consider Intermittent fasting, for example skip the breakfast.

Dr Fung is treating even very sick patients with fasting with amazing results!  One man in his 50-ties had struggled with Diabetes for two decades.  Within two weeks, he was able to quit taking all of his diabetes medications.  His blood sugar was back to normal without them.

Dr. Fung has many doctors in the same hospital referring their patients to him because of the amazing results they have experiencing.
